BB Art 11


2016.01.10. | Love can not be done, but everything can be done with love.

Most likely, only just a few people know about me that almost a year ago, I was diagnosed with bilateral hip-fraying, which is caused by congenital disorder. According to the doctor: I'm not overweighted, but I need to get rid of every extra kilos, and the only sport, he can propose and do not harm is the swimming. I felt so happy because a long ago I have been planning to do sports and I already like swimming. The diagnosis proved to be a sufficient motivation to make this activity a part of my everyday life. Nevertheless, I have never gone swimming because of the illness, but because of my love of the water and the joy for the swimming. Every day when I could go, I counted the minutes to get my swimming stuff, and I started to go to the swimming pool, which is only 5 minutes away from my work place. Half a year later I noticed that I lost six kilos, I move easier, and my hips do not hurt anymore.

One day, as usual, I went to swim, but not with my usual feelings. That day I have noticed that for a while now I feel it as a constraint and I felt this as a necessary activity. The feeling of indifference became more and more strong. Suddenly, under the shower I started to think, if we come to this world to learn to love. Then I remembered a book I read long ago: The five languages of love, and I wondered if love can be learned.

If we ourselves are the love, how can we learn to love? It is something like we would teach the sun what light is, how to shine, or show the creek the direction of flow. If we can not learn to love, where can we screw up? What is the banana peel, on which many of us slip? Then do we need to love right? Or who and what do we need to love? Do we need to love at all? Is love an activity? Is it a necessity fashionable thing?

As the questions swirled in my head, I saw it just in a moment, it is impossible to love correctly, that there is no one and what to love. Love can not be done, but all can be done with love.

While I was swimming with love it gave me the desired results without any effort and desire. 

Do I paint my paintings with love? Do You know how it makes me feel it? In this case, the goal is never important, but the activity itself, the process is the happening, in which we are in with love within the love itself. The end result, the goal - as it is called, as usual - is just icing on the cake.

Cooking with love - putting the most delicious food on the table and giving us the words of praise and recognition. Or even sow the soil with love, what sort of crop will that bring? Is this feeling familiar to you, as you have already experienced this and see the difference in your life, what it's like when you do your every day activities with love, even the smallest stuff as well. You speak, you listen with love, you work, you play, you give and receive with love ... You noticed that I am not talking about myself any longer, but about you ... with love ...