BB Art 11


  • BB11-0058 - The power

    Oil painting, 50 x 100 cm canvas

    I sat at my hairdresser when I she asked the same question again..? "When will you paint me a painting?" Of course, many people are wondering what I would paint for them, what message would I bring them from the Heaven. But until there is no real willing behind the curiosity, unfortunately, I do not see much. I could say say nothing. Therefore I asked back. "Seriously would you like that painting?". The reply came: "Of course, I have told you many times." And all started here.

    The final picture is a surprise for me as well, since I can only see the entire picture when it has been fully completed, until that it seems that I am touching around in fog and slowly it begins to dissipate, the sun starts to appear, until the bright lights of it is spreading all over the canvas.

    In the beginning it was complete dark, but I felt the painting, so I asked what her favorite animal is. There were many witty responses, of which one hit me: "Jaguar in the garage." And I knew she is, the woman with the Jaguar, that is her painting. The woman who no longer looking back, only watching ahead. She clearly sees the purpose of her heart. Not even the strong lights of the rising sun could fade her into the shadow, or even forcing her eyes to be closed. She does not miss her glance from the desire of her life. But here it is actually not about the longing, craving, it is about something, we fear of, that would never be ours. This new look is for the new day, the new life, this look sees the future in the now and she is ready for the acceptance and to live it. This look is in peace with the past. This look is strong, confident, but at the same time it is so gentle and humble, like the beast sitting next to her, because their strength and gentleness is forming now a perfect unity.


    "I dressed you in new clothes, the power of this dress is the real strength of your soul, of your heart, the power of pure and selfless love. This force will bring the peace, the reconciliation, the healing and the healing power, faith and hope, the love and acceptance into your life.

    The shining of my clear light, spreading around your soul as a blessing. I recognize my existence through you, reflected in you. I can perceive myself by you. I could physically manifestate in you, while your existence in me, condemned for the eternal light. This light leads to the very depths of your heart, into the healing power of love, into the warmth of home. - into the true existence "

    Father in Heaven, mediated by Beata Beres

    Original painting:
    Ár: 450000 Ft Megrendelés
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 32200 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 57400 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0070 - Reborning

    Olajfestmény, 60 x 60 cm feszített vászon

    A pingvin megfestése ajándék festményként indult, egy igaz barátnak. Bár szeretet volna tőlem festményt, úgy gondolta, majd ha ki is tudja fizetni, akkor majd megkér rá hogy fessek neki. Én mégis kicsit előrehaladtam az időben, úgy éreztem most kell festenem annak ellenére hogy ő nem még nem kért meg rá. Azonnal jött is az információ, a napot a fényt, a ragyogást kell megfestenem. Gyorsan neki is láttam, körülvéve, mindenféle felhőkkel melyben különböző állatok jelenségek mutatkoztak meg, számára hordozva különböző üzeneteket. A tudásom legjavát raktam a festménybe, és úgy éreztem, ennyi, készen van, ennyi volt bennem, ennél többet már nem tudok bele tenni. Miután megmutattam a kész festményt a páromnak, aki a legnagyobb rajongóm, és kritikusom is egyben, ezt mondta:

    "Ó hát ez még nagyon sokat fog változni."

    Én csak pislogtam nagyokat, mondván:

    "Dehát ez már készen van!". 

    Lelki szemeimmel én is láttam, éreztem, hogy egyáltalán nincs ez készen, de nem tudtam már vele mit tenni, bármilyen próbálkozásommal, jobbá tenni a festményt, már csak rontani tudtam volna rajta. Így egy kis időre félre tettem, és képeket kezdtem el nézegetni a neten, napfelkeltét kerestem, de naplementére találtam. Miután megláttam a szivárvány színű napudvarát, és az aranyló eget és fényeket, a felhőkből előbukkanó hegycsúcsokat, azonnal tudtam Ő az, ezt kell megfestenem.

    Megpillantván a képet, éreztem az üzenetét, egységben láttam az eget és a földet, a minden élőt tápláló napot, a fényt melyet magából árasztott, és érzékeltem valamit, ami mindezt összeköti, mely által minden egy és végtelen.  

    Eddigi munkáim során még egyszer sem fordult elő, hogy a meglévő késznek hitt festményem, köszönő viszonyban sem volt, az újonnan megfestendővel. Egy parányi részét sem tudtam felhasználni, így teljesen újra kellett festenem alapjaitól az egészet. Nagyon izgalmas számomra a tudat, hogy a látvány mögött valahol a felszín és a vászon között lakozik egy festmény melyet csak páran láthattunk, csak pár ember nyerhetett betekintést ebbe a most már láthatatlan képbe. Amennyiben ez csak egy festmény lenne, még bosszantott is volna a helyzet, hogy kezdhetem az egészet élőről, de mivel ez több mint egy festmény, így nagyon is tudtam, mindez pontosan úgy van jól ahogy van. Ismervén a barátnőm életét, az útját, pontosan láttam, hogy a festményben elérkeztünk arra a pontra, amikor a gondosan felépített látszat ámbár biztos életét és előremenetelő karrierét maga mögött hagyva, bezárt egy ajtót,és megfogván a bizonytalanság kilincsét megnyitott egy másikat mely az ismeretlenbe vezet. Vagy talán látván az elkészült festményt, mégsem annyira ismeretlen az ismeretlen?


    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
  • BB11-0073 - The tree of knowledge

    Oil painting, 80 x 60 cm canvas

    A festményt eredetében egy érzés ihlette meg, majd az érzés mellé társult egy képbeli vizualizáció, és később egy videoklipben láttam meg, ahol csak egy másodpercnyi felvillanásképp jelent meg. Az érzés és a kép egymásra talált. Végleges formáját mégis a kezeim által öltötte magára. 

    Nehéz szavakba önteni az érzéseket melyekből megszületett, annál inkább is, mert a festmény által öltött valóság mindenkiben más és más érzéseket ébreszt. 

    Az erős és látszólag ősi gyökerekkel bíró nagy fa, az egy közös élő gyökereinkre utal. A fa mellett különböző eredetű mesterek és angyalok foglalnak helyet, mint egy ősi család veszik körbe a fát.  A 

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 28330 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 44030 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0127 - Home

    Oil painting, 80 x 60 cm canvas

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
  • BB11-0074 - The white horse

    Oil painting, 70 x 50 cm canvas

    2017 október 20

    A fehér ló megfestése, az első festményeim közt indult útnak, ám a 2014 -es próbálkozásom kudarcba fulladt, és a festmény a kukában végezte. Kellett még három év, hogy megtudjam festeni. Hogy miért ennyi idő múlva  érkezett meg?  Mondanám hogy : CSAK. De sokkal több van a történések mögött. Mint ahogy én úgy a fehér ló is járta a saját útját, tele megtapasztalásokkal, melyek a megértések által tanításokká váltak. Talán még nem volt felkészülve rá sem ő, sem én hogy az ecsetem által a vászonra kerüljön. Most jött el az ideje, hogy ebben a formában, ebben a tájban, ezzel az energiával mutatkozzon meg. 
    Ha megpróbálok vissza emlékezni a három évvel ez előtti fehér lóra, csak forma volt, lélek nélkül. Csupán egy fotó élethű másolata.  
    Nem mondanám hogy rendelésre készült, inkább kívánság volt egy személytől aki a szívemhez már pici kora óta nagyon közel áll. Részemről pedig a legnemesebb feladat ennek az ajándéknak az elkészítése számára.  
    Milyen üzenetet hordozz a fehér ló? A képet nézve, sok mindenkinek sokféle sugallat jelenik meg a lelkében, és ez így van rendben, hiszen nem lehet a festményt kisajátítani, még akkor sem ha én általam került a vászonra, mindenki számára mást üzen, és ez a legszebb benne. Sokat olvashatunk is róla, a szimbólumok jelentésében, az ősi magyar hitben, a táltosoknál is megjelenik, de én mégis azt szeretném megosztani veletek, amit nekem mesélt festés közben, és mesél, talán pont ma 2 éve mióta személyesen is megismerhettem, és az életem részévé vált. 
    Ő a csoda ló, én így hívom őt, és bárki aki ránéz ugyan ezt mondja, néha gúnyosan, néha pedig csak úgy spontán kiejti a száján amit a szíve mélyén érez: "ő egy csoda ló". De miért az? Sokan kérdezik akik nem érzik őt. Ezt nem lehet elmondani, ezt csak érezni lehet. 

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 24640 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 43450 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0093 - Present

    Oil painting, 60 x 80 cm canvas

    Original painting:
    Ár: 420000 Ft Megrendelés
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 420000 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 43000 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0108 - Az örök fa

    Oil painting, 70 x 50 cm canvas

    Original painting:
    Ár: 390000 Ft Megrendelés
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 28000 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 43000 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0131 - Incomming

    Oilpainting on canvas, 60 x 80cm,

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 44000 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0050 - The rock of the angels

    Oil painting, 60x80cm canvas

     I have received the request from a special 10-year-old client to paint him a picture. I thought his request is not real, and I did not take it really seriously. When I refused him, he reacted with deep sadness. This was the moment when I have recognized that the request is true and behind it is a serious wish, and not the 10-year-old did ask for it, but his true soul. Once I got the photo, which depicted the Alps - because he loves the mountains - in front of my eyes immediately appeared the eagle as well. It soars over the mountains, and takes all the barriers easily, and its soul is full with freedom and power. Although my client imagined a Ferrari on the mountain roads, at the end we managed to compromise in the eagle, which itself carries a serious message for him.

    We changed the path for a lake and a small wooden house in the valley. The waterfalls were became part of the painting because of the client's request. I can tell you we took part in a beautiful and joyful work together. From the original photo almost only the rocky mountain peaks and the green hills have left. We dreamed a more beautiful world together. When I started painting, I tried to orientate myself to the photo, but for some reason I just felt it would be more colorful and more happy if the Alpine peaks would shine in the colours of the Grand Canyon. During my trip to Sri Lanka I was completely inspired by the waterfalls in the beautiful green environment, with its magnificent butterflies. So it was no question they have a place on the painting.

    Suddenly I had found out, as if in the painting the entire universe would take place. From the east to the west everything. In addition a pyramid also fould a place in the center.

    When I was almost done with the painting, and only the finishing touches have left, a film was recommended to  me. In the film it was also said that our own heaven - where we will deprated -, we, ourselves create it by our imagination, our thoughts, our dreams, and even through the paintings we are painting. Thus, I immediately grabbed the brush, an I was thinking that if this would be my heaven, the horses will definitely be there on the glade, but yet they are hiding somewhere ... and I did not have to wait for too long, they came too, and after them  a whole army of butterflies, a total of 30 came in pairs. And so it is not one, but two Ferraris also took place on the painting, a white and a black as well.

    The name of the painting "Angels rock" was given because of the cliff in the back and the waterfall, which falls from this rock. When the waterfall was still in an unfinished condition an angel was depicting in it.

    After the painting was finished, I read the symbolism of the animals appear in the painting. It was astonishing how deeply these correlate with the message appears in me, which I received through the process of painting:

    The eagle - it is the connection between heaven and earth, clarity, symolizes the freedom, the life without barriers and, above all, a symbol of Christ. The eagle lifting a fish out of the water is symbolizing Christ as He  cleans and lift the lost souls into the kingdom of heaven.

    The horses - reflect the value of harmony, which can be created from the contrasts. The white horse symolizes the sun, the light, the relationship, which can be formed with the celestial world, the winning battles, the energy of life, and the divine blessing. The black horse symbolizes the hell, the death, the night, the cold light of the moon, the losing battles, the negative forces, but as well in the harmony it reflects the transcendent forces that could ensure the rebirth, as well the shaman abilities, and the hope beyond the eternal life and death, and the ability of renewal.

    Butterflies - symbolize the life emerging from death, the renewal and the eternal life.

    Pyramid - symbolizes the ascended knowledge, the all-seeing third eye, the contact with the celestial ones, the holy trinity: Father-son-holy spirit.

    And what does the painting mean to me? The new world, our home in the heaven, the place where we arrive through the soul and we find our home. The perfect happiness, the harmony in the infinite field of love of God.


    "The way we dreamed together for you, sometimes won't be either simple or easy, but it will be full of adventure, joy and love. Remember that you are never, even for a moment alone on your way, I am with you all the way, I accompany you, I protect you, I encourage you, I give you strength. I'm with you in your difficult and in your joyful moments as well. When you start to discourage, remember that everything follow a precise plan, your plan. You planned this life for Yourself, you designed it yourself, together with all the difficulties and obstacles. Even if it will be hard to believe, you must trust me, but most importantly you must trust in Yourself that you only designed such obstacles , which build your soul, make it rise and strengthen it, so while others fail in this barriers, you can easily defeat all of them.

    Although You still do not remember it, after time you will know and you'll see that everything happens exactly the way you planned it, it's your life, and therefore it is so exceptional and unique. And if you are uncertain, just listen to your heart, to your true inner voice and you always get the right advice, but if you feel like that you just got lost, then it certainly is a lesson to learn for you.

    Remember - with your existence you bring light, joy and abundanceinto into this earthly existence, and this light feeds many.

    Archangel Michael, mediated by Beata Beres

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
  • BB11-0060 - From dream to reality

    Oil, 50 x 70 cm, canvas

    There is a person in my life, a really good friend with whom we started our journey together, and since then we accompany each other through our lives. We cry together, we laugh together. I owe a lot to her, but for which I am truly grateful is her sincere friendship, her love, and her faith in me. There is noone who would believe and trust in my paintings better than she does. She has been yearning for a painting for a long time, but she has told me regretfully many times, unfortunately she cannot afford it, but once if it were so, she would definitely want a paining from me. She is really looking forward to this time, and she is very curious for what I will give her.

    As I wrote I can be grateful for many things for my dear friend, for many things she did not want to accept any payment, and she gave me many gifts selflessly, so often it was hard to me to accept these. Now, however, I felt it is the right moment to be grateful for all of these on the best possible way. Or perhaps it is the time now for her to receive a message, a guidance, and assistance from the heaven.

    Many times we have been talking about what I would paint for her someday ... But the someday will never come, and in the now certainly a completely different painting came to her, as I just planned. My friend is a very colorful personality, and if I had painted it I would surely painted all the colors of the rainbow on the canvas, and would have been there a horse as well what she desires so much. But since I only mediate, and I'm a channel between her and the heaven, again it was just a great surprise, not only for me but for her as well.

    After I sent her a sketch of the painting, the answer came, okay, good, but knowing you, there will definitely be some kind of animal as well. Frankly, I did not plan, but after so she asked it, immediately came the answer, yes, now that you just mentioned it, a bear. Bear????? Again, on these both of us were surprised. I said yes, a bear, I certainly would not paint you a bear, but it just came. Quickly I searched for, what a bear totem symbolizes.

    "The people with a bear totem, often called as dreamers who do not do a lot to make their dreams come true. The bear totem includes an introspection, healing, self-reliance, wisdom, change, conversations with the Spirit, death and rebirth, transformation, astral travel, dream creation, shamans and mystics "

    At this point both of us became speechless and got shocked. Since we know each other very well, it was very easy to me to interpret the painting. She really is an eternal dreamer, with giant plans and she also has the necessary skills, but the realization, unfortunately, often goes quite bumpy. So it was filled me with joy that I can paint this painting for her.   

    On the painting appeared a road, but She herself originally was not on the road, but somewhere around, lost in the middle of tall vegetation. So the first thing I did was to get her out of this and put her on the road. In this the little bear cub also helped me, he looked first on the path, pointing at me, Look! This the way you have to go ...


    "Small - big girl, now you grown up, and you grew for a real faery. As a little girl you put on the clothes of the big ones, and you thought if you leave your child spirit, perhaps you can manage the difficulties better, and you grow into the clothes, and so it will be easier to wear those and you will be able to bear the burden of others. Keep yourself as a child, keep the clean, honest, brilliant, radiant spirit, and throw off the burden of the big ones, because you have been carrying those for long enough.

    Now I put you into new clothes, which transmits the incoming lights into you, where in you they will find their homes, but as well it allows to reflect to the outside the light from our true home. Light in the light, again in unity in you - by you, by me and in others.

    On your way, you will meet with a lot of travelers, who lost on their ways, but your light will remind them for the right direction. Because where your heart is, there your home is as well. And where does that road lead us? You do not need to see ahead, because I'm the road inside you. Just keep moving forward always a step ahead, into the direction my light leads you, into the warmth of our home, where the dreams come true. In you, by me in the faith and the love. "

    Archangel Zadkiel

    I am grateful that I could paint this painting, and through this, I can feel that I walk on my way.

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 28000 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 44000 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0045 - Islands

    Akryl, 25 x 25 cm cartoon / March 2014

    It happened today as well, when during a conversation I thought, that probably the Islands has a place on my exhibition. So again, the question came up, what does it want to message me or to its current owner.

    In fact, do we see one or two islands? But it does not seem to be an island but a pair of peninsula, because we get out to the peninsula on a a narrow path. But would these really be peninsulas? They connect to a strong continent with a path, or to a third peninsula, so  creating all three or even more an island.

    We call island the mainland, which encompasses by the water, even in the middle of the sea, even in the middle of a river. So we call it. Seemingly it is not connected to the mainland - or call it anything, and we can only approach witha a watervehicle or we swim if you like.

    It seems like it is a bit like an orphan, seems like it is separated from its core. But is this really the reality or is it just a sham?

    While I wondered if it is an island or peninsula, I recognized it is not relevant. After all, this feature is only determined by the surrounding water level, how high is that. For this reason there are more islands in danger, and it is predicted they will disappear from the Earth. Do they really disappear? or the waterlevel rises in the height, so they become invisible to us. 

    If we would make the water disappear, we could see that the island is certainly not a torn unity, a stands alone something, but it is the perfect part of the highest crust of the Earth. Because under the surface of the water, it is the part of the whole, and it is the part of the unity."As in heaven so on earth," says in our daily prayer almost every day, but we do not see the essence of the sentence. The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of spirits. Many people is existing as a part, as an individual, we are surronded by the seas of the material world, and we live together separated, live like separated islands, or as a peninsula as a part of a family, a community or a religion. And then we are happy because we believe that we are not a lonely island, because we are a peninsula and we belong to someone, something, and maybe we even regret it, or maybe we despise the seemingly small isolated islands.

    It is not important whether you live your life as an island, peninsula, or perhaps a big, strong continent. The point is that you see that with your existence, with your soul, and we are part of a great big unit. All of us, not just connected to the powerful unit, but we all create it, we are a part of the unit and we are all parts of the unit. The kingdom of heaven is kingdom of spirit, our common country, our home is the power of love. Your home is my home, your soul is part of my soul, your success is my success, with your failure I fail with you. In your love I found the love as well.

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
  • BB11-0133 - Őrangyal

    50x60 cm olfajfestmény, feszített vászon

    Áldás: „Súlyosak a terhek, melyek térdre kényszerítettek, egykoron volt ragyogó szemeidet a közömbösség fátyla lepte be. Reménytelen s üres lett tekinteted, s e tekintet mögé mélyre rejted el szerelmetes szívedet.

    Sokan vannak, kik melletted állnak, nem másra, csupán a szeretetteljes figyelmedre vágynak. Csurran is, cseppen is, szerető figyelmedből sokszor adsz nekik, de kiről úgy véled felszabadíthatná igaz lényedet, viszonzott figyelmével nem tisztel meg téged.

    Küldök hát egy angyalt, kinek szárnyai rejtve vannak, de a szíve tárva, ragyogó szemei nap mint nap rád vigyáznak. S eljön majd a nap, mikor önmagát felfedve, önzetlen szeretetével öleli át teljes lényedet. Rajtad áll majd, felismered e, hogy ez a tiszta érzés feltárja szívedet, s megismerd felszabadult, fénnyel teli lényedet.”   

    Original painting:
    Ár: 260 Ft Megrendelés
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 42 Ft Megrendelés