BB Art 11


  • BB11-0112 - Connected

    Oil painting, 60 x 80 cm canvas

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
  • BB11-0049 - The light of purification

    Oil painting, 80x80cm canvas

    Every painting has an original concept I want to dream to the canvas, but then the painting itself takes the control, and on a whole new way, or otherwise realizes the original vision. I would say, the truth itself is painting itself.

    It happened now as well, originally I wanted to show the separation, the disengagement of the twin flames. I wanted to paint the purgatory where they sacrifice their hearts on the altar of love. The woman shows the female energies, the water in an icy form, while the man represents the energy of the fire. According to the original idea, the blazing fire melts the ice and as a result the fusible water soothes the burning fire.

    And the truth slowly began to show itself, more deeply than I have ever thought. The man lives in a deep grief, he moves away from the woman, and the woman reacts on this with resentment, rather turning towards the man she turns away from him. As a result the man feels himself lonely,  starts to lock himself more and more and he moves away. This would be a breakup, but it is impossible, as the two souls are one together, and the separation does not happen from one another, but from the ego, from the beliefs, from the pain, and from the reactions according to their old habits. I had to realize that at this moment the ice has been long since melted, and the fire had died down. We see the perfect balance of the two souls, reflections of one other, the death and the end of the games. The match ended, and by the end, the angelic water wings become slightly matted, and the angelic fire wings burned down til the bone.

    The could seem to be fallen angels, at the end of a game, in which they have participated unwittingly, not knowing the purpose of the game and the bets. Have they become losers or winners by the end? It may seem that they have lost everything they had. I thought they had sacrificed their hearts on the altar of love, but looking at the painting, they did not loose just their egos now, but they sacrificed their angel wings as well. And for what? Why did they take this upon themselves?

    For the love of Christ, for the healing light, what the love of the Father gives us, through the Holy Spirit. We can see "the light of the unity and love originated from the HolyTrinity": The Father -  the Son - the Holy Spirit. 

    "Undress the fancy clothes of the physical world. Forget the shame caused by the nakedness in order to find your wings. Leave your fears originated from the false beliefs, leave the imaginations about good and evil, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly. See through the pains of expectations' purgatory and take the light of the cleansing, the light of the new life into your being, the promise and blessing of my light into your life. "

    Holy Spirit, mediated by Beata Beres

    Original painting:
    Ár: 450000 Ft Megrendelés
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 32960 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 54200 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0039 - Origin

    Oil painting, 80x80cm canvas

    I was born from you, and you were born from me, as one shining star in the sky, in the eternity ...

    The origin shows the real origin of our soul and our being. It shows a perfect merger and balance of the male and female energies. This energy sphere is almost completely closed, but remained open on the female side, as she is the one who is able to accommodate a new soul in the physical World.

    After our birth, the twin soul split into two, but after this event we carry in ourselves as women the memory of man power, and as man the model and image of the pure female energy. During our earthly existence we try to balance these energies in ourselves.

    The perfect harmony is re-established when the two souls meet again and reunite. This meeting, however, can only be achieved if the parties accept their Self-being. She recognizes and lives out a true womanhood, thus giving room for her male energies, and he makes it on the same way. This merger would create a duality of unity, and the wholeness. These two parties, although being perfect alone as well, can not exist in the unity without the other half. As the earth needs the rays of the sun, needs the moonlight as well. As the water, which is food for life, the warmth of the fire as well.

    "When the twin souls are in the unity, the fire dissolves the ice and the water quenches the flaming fire and they became in harmony, nourish each other and their unity is the food of the land, the existence, and the eternal universe. Their love is shining in the sky as a star. "

    Archangel Uriel mediated by Beres Beata

    The painting helps to detect the celestial alliance concluded between the twin flames. It strengthens the sense of unity, therefore, the pure male and female energies are accepted and experienced in order these two energies can find each other again. With the melting into each other, they re-establish in their lives the perfect harmony, and unity, and by now not only in a heavenly, but in a spiritual and in a physical dimension. It brings into unity with the elements of earth, with the nature and with other living creatures as well.

    On the painting the female body is illustrated in the energy of water, and as well the male body can be seen in the energy of fire. Thus the painting not only reminiscents for our real origins, but we ​​can find our life mission in it as well, our destiny craved into our common star.

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 32960 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 54200 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0040 - Heavenly hug

    Oil painting, 80x80cm canvas

    The painting went through the way of the twin flame of love and healing during the process of painting, and, of course, like all my paintings and drawings it brought the Heavenly blessings from Gabriel.

    Already at the beginning of the painting process the painting built up nicely, since it was born in a moment of infinite love. No energy blocks came up, seemed an easy work, as it is written in the book. It was almost completely finished, it was wonderful, the flames were beautiful, with a little light in the background, with almost perfect wings, only the last remaining traits were have left, when suddenly something happened ...

    In order they could shine in a perfect light, I have to break down their wings, just like as it happens in real life, we wrap down the wings of one other and we both live this with a huge pain, which eventually leads to the separation.

    The pains of the past came up, and I lived it again, but this time Gabriel gave strength:

    "All these pain serve for your best, you have already shined, but you can deserve your real light on this way, you can get the real power of your wings only this way."

    Archangel Gabriel, mediated by Beres Beata

    After that I knew all of this had to be happened, and so it was good, and a new and beautiful butterfly could open from its cocoon surrounded by light.

    The painting has become easy again, the difficulties are caused by the fire wing. I wanted it to be be beautiful for myself, for ourselves, but it did not go until I recognized the selfish goal in the background. Then the wing was born, in its' real beauty, when I did this only for it, for its' beauty and happiness, when I experienced the true power of unselfish love.

    "You can sparkle together only if you can sparkle alone as well."

    Archangel Gabriel, mediated by Beres Beata

    Then the wings started to form a totally new shape and began to resemble each other more than ever before, yet retained their independency, the fire remained the fire, the water remained the water, but they became into unity. During the painting process I had a feeling that this painting will never be ready, and yet it has long been ready. So it is with the twin flame relationships, and in fact with ourselves as well. We constantly get polished again and again, but in fact every moment of our existence is perfect. Right here and now, we are perfect, and we are ready to shine, but since nothing is constant and everything is ever-changing, in the illusion of time we may feel that we are in constant changing, but always the same beauty is shining up again and again, only in different lights. As none of my paintings, I don't consider this one as a completed one, but that is okay, because like the eternal universe, it has no beginning and no end.

    Original painting:
    Ár: 450000 Ft Megrendelés
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 32960 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 54200 Ft Megrendelés
  • BB11-0041 - Acceptance

    Oil painting, 80x80cm canvas

    The painting was made for an order for a gay twin flame couple. Before you got surprised on this there is nothing special in it. The Twin Flame Love is a celestial connection, whose origin is located on a soul level. At this level our physical body is not presented, only the male and female energies, which with its perfect fusion creates the soul. The painting, however, has already been showing the encounter and fulfillment of these energies in the physical earthly life. And yes, there is when the female energy is born in a male body, and with this accepting a life lesson for Himself, which brings the message and teaching of the pure respect and acceptance of each other to the people.

    One of the greatest teaching of the twin flame love, is the perfect acceptance of ourselves, and the unconditional love of our partner. Because the acceőtance is nothing but the highest manifestation of the love itself. And this is the only way where the twin souls are able to find each other again. The painting had a very long and rugged path as well the couple on the painting. In a previous version, the hands still clutched each other, they tied each other almost with a spastic affection. But in the pure love, in the heavenly connection, in the acceptance it is impossible. Now, the palms are only in a loving contact, which symbolizes the freedom, and only in this freedom when the bonds are triggered, can we experience the truth of our being. In the power of pure love our unrecognized abilities opening and blossoming and we find our home in the endless ocean of the universe.


    "Fulfil your mission you came for. You receive all skill, talent, determination and courage for it. I bless you with the power of words and actions. I am all the time with you, and I walk ahead of you, with my sword, and I open the way of the ocean for you if it is needed. If you are discouraged you can lean on me, if you do not see the way I shine it with my light in order you could never loose yourself.You bring a new knowledge and the experience of the love, the highest quality of acceptance, the creating and healing power of love. With the undertaking of your true being, you give the lost self-esteem, self-respect back, and you let your human fellows free from the slave chains, with the infinite healing power of love, and with the power of one soul. "

    Archangel Jofiel, mediated by Beres Beata

    Original painting:
    Ár: - Ft Magántulajdon
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: - Ft Nem rendelhető
  • BB11-0042 - The tree of life

    Oil painting, 80x80cm canvas

    The original concept materialized in the physical dimension, but when I started to work on it, I gave myself to the painting, I let every notions to go away and I just painted. On the picture is a light with a rainbow-colored gateway. From the light source the sun was born, and the moon wanted to be on the canvas as well next to it.

    The twin souls on this painting are no longer manifesting in the form of heavenly angels. Their lives in the earthly dimension perfectly intertwined, while they fully preserving their independence and their origin. They rooted their physical existence through the rainbow moon which is functioning as a terrestrial channel. The woman is acting in the attraction of the moon, she is responsible for spiritual things, creativity, intuition, she is the one who raises the man spiritually, and she has a direct relationship and a free passage to the celestial dimensions. The man is responsible for earthly things, possessions and he creates the security, he is the protector and the guardian. He provides a background in which the woman brings a heavenly child with full of confidence and love. Although it seems that the male and female roles are divided, these are reflected more only on the energy level. In this relationship, the two sometimes change roles, the boundaries may fade away, because it seems that the two of them have been already fused together and they form a complete unity in the physical and spiritual dimensions as well. They are aware of their roles and they accept this with love in this heavenly relationship. The butterflies on the painting, symbolize the heavenly blessing, bringing abundance in the couple's life on a spiritual and on a physical plane.


    "The time of abundance and harvest arrived. A long and rugged road led one another together. We were all the way with you, and accompanied you on the road. We took your hands, we supported you when you were disappointed, we lit a light in the night, and we healed the broken hearts. We remembered for the plan of your souls, even when you get lost completely. We never let you get off from your spiritual way even for a second. You deserve to stand next to each other, and hug each other. You contracted for a special trip, the purest, the sincere and selfless heavenly love. Yours has always been yours, and now you can live it in the earthly dimension. Everything what you have done from this feeling, manifested as a blessing in your life and through you in the lives of others.Ask, and it shall be given ... your lives floods with the heavenly and earthly abundance. Your children will be blessed as well, and they will drive the humanity on your way into the light of love. "Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, mediated by Beres Beata

    Original painting:
    Ár: 555000 Ft Megrendelés
    Frameless canvas print:
    Ár: 32960 Ft Megrendelés
    Stretched canvas print:
    Ár: 54200 Ft Megrendelés